Marc Megna Phase 2

Hey Guys!

I am on my 4th week of the Marc Megna Amp Trainer and have been loving it!! If you read my last update during the 1st Phase you’ll know that I was in a total fitness rut and need a boost and this 8 week trainer was a welcome change.

During the phase 1 I did 3 days of total body lifting days and 2 steady state cardio days & it was a fun change to my previous 5 day split lifting schedule. Phase 2 is a little different in its set up, I’m still doing 3 days of total body lifting but now its 3 days of different cardio breakdowns.

Marc Megna Phase 2

The total body days this round went from 4 sets of 5reps (for most lifts) to 4 sets of 8 reps. So my focus switched from hitting max weight & sometimes failing during my 4th set. To really focusing on form during each lift and making sure that I could hit 8 reps (sometimes 6, dang bench press) with excellent form at a challenging weight.

Marc Megna Phase 2 Marc Megna Phase 2

I also love that there is 1 primarily bodyweight workout during the total body days. I sometimes have  difficulty balancing lifting and bodyweight exercises but know the importance of bodyweight exercises because they are super important for maintaining healthy joint alignment and stabilization. I also SERIOUSLY felt those single leg deadlifts, one of my favorite exercises that I do not do enough!

Marc Megna Phase 2

The cardio days are a welcome change to my routine as well. I loved phase 1 steady state cardio and getting to do some personal development reading when on the elliptical. Phase 2 brought a change to the cardio routine and I kind of love it! Lets be real…. I am terrible at motivating myself to do cardio, especially indoor cardio, so having a program “force” me to do the cardio is absolutely wonderful!

Marc Megna Phase 2

During this phase there is 1 day of “Alactic Aerobic Intervals” which is basically 10 seconds of all out work and 50 seconds of recovery/rest for 16 & 18 minutes (depending on the week). I’ve done two of these workouts so far, one on the treadmill & one on the rowing machine. For both of these workouts I upped the work period to 15 seconds and then did an active recovery rather than a straight rest because lets be real, I wouldn’t get back on the treadmill 😉

Marc Megna Phase 2

The other two days of cardio includes a steady state session & then a “Cardiac Power” session. The cardiac power session is a prolonged work/recovery interval session. Doing 2 minutes of hard-but-manageable-work and 4 minutes of active-recovery, 6 times for a 36minute workout. Ive done this once and oh man was it hard! Its pretty sad to say that 2 minutes of hard running is a serious challenge but thats my current reality. I pushed myself through the workout which is EXACTLY why I am doing this program to push myself outside of my comfort zone and previous “gym box”.

I am excited for Phase 3 & 4 because I am truly loving this program and can’t wait to see the results of these 8 weeks.

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Weekending XVI

Hi Friend! Its another Monday & another Weekending update. These are some of my favorite posts to write and reflect on the week/weekend.

A very lazy weekend went down over here and honestly it did the body good. Sometimes it’s good to just sit back, relax and do nothing! For the first time in a long time we had ZERO plans for the weekend, except the usual weekend tasks, and it was fantastic!

Friday night we went to the gym, did a great full body workout & put some sumo deadlifts back into my programming which were seriously difficult considering I haven’t been doing them regularly in foreverrrr.

After the gym we headed to the grocery store to get the basics for the week. Brent & I have returned to focusing on macro’s (macronutrients) and structuring our meals around a specific macro goal. We cycle in and out of counting macros when we feel like our bodies need a boost, we both are feeling a bit “fluffy” right now and just want to drop some of the fluff to look as strong/healthy as we feel!

Saturday was the ultimate couch potato day. We got up made breakfast and then lounged with the intention of letting breakfast digest and going to the gym… Then we started watching House… A marathon of House and before I knew it I looked at the clock and it was 4:30…. WHAT THE WHAT!?!?

We headed to Costco & then had an impromptu date night at Pei Wei, I hadn’t been in forever & it was a nice cheat meal, followed by some Fro-Yo because it was right next door and we couldn’t say no! We ended the night watching the proposal and continuing to be lazy bums…

Sunday started a bit slower as well, but when I got up I was UP & got straight to work. Sunday is meal prep day and that’s exactly what I did… I mixed a Spark, made & ate breakfast and then spent about 3.5 hours chopping, baking and measuring out food.

The nice thing about being macro conscious is that meals take less time to prep, there’s usually only one or two steps and not a lot of ingredients. The not so nice aspect is that measuring out the food (& being precise) takes a lot more time than casually scooping 1/2 cup here or there into bowls. But 3.5 hours is pretty typical and I was done before 2!

We relaxed a bit before getting to the gym where I STRUGGLED through a cardio workout. I haven’t done prolonged interval training in a long time, Tuesday I did 15second intervals, but Sunday I did 2 minutes at a fast pace & 4 minute recovery. I did my work rate at a 7:20pace and then recovered at a 12:00 pace (which was a fast walk) I did 6 rounds of this and you guys I was dying when on the treadmill. I don’t know if it’s because my legs are super sore or what but man it was a hard workout. I spent some time rolling out my legs before hitting the bar and doing some pull up negatives.

Sunday night we prepped turkey burgers for the week and ate them for dinner. I love turkey burgers, it’s been a delicious addition to our meals and makes me think of summer!!!

What did you guys do this weekend? Anyone else have a super lazy one like us?

Hope you all have a wonderful start to your week!

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Fitness Lately – AMP Trainer

Happy Wednesday!

I thought I would update y’all on what my fitness routine has looked like lately. In the fall I started to feel pretty stagnant with my workout routine, I wasn’t loving what I was doing and felt pretty uninspired, you can read more on that here & here. When I still couldnt get my mojo back I decided to turn to and see if there was a program that seemed to fit.

In December I did a 4 week program which was just what I needed to get out of my rut and change up my routine a bit. It was a good program but I wanted more variations, I felt like I was doing a lot of shoulders and wasn’t significantly challenged. Once I finished that program I decided to try a different program that was a bit longer.

Currently I am doing the Marc Megna AMP program from and I have been really enjoying it. I technically started on Dec. 28th but after a week of over indulging after the holidays I decided to restart it on Jan 4th. So I am on my second week right now.

Day 1: Marc Megna Trainer

Day 1: Marc Megna Trainer

What I am enjoying a lot is that the lifting days are FULL BODY which I have not done in foreverrrrr and then there are dedicated cardio days which has been a fun change. I really do not enjoy doing indoor cardio, and have to talk myself into outdoor cardio to be honest, so doing cardio after a lifting day almost never happens. Having a designated cardio day really helps me focus on getting it done.

Day 5: Marc Megna Trainer - AMPed up the Split Squat lift by elevating my rear foot & adding a 35# weight!

Day 5: Marc Megna Trainer – AMPed up the Split Squat lift by elevating my rear foot & adding a 35# weight!

I also like that the lifting days have been 5sets of 5reps so I am able to amp up my weight a bit and know that I “only” need 5 reps. It’s a fun change and challenge!

The lifting workouts take about 45-50minutes depending on the day and the body space app is a great companion at the gym, its on my phone and makes tracking the workouts, weights and time so easy! The app has definitely improved since the last time I tried it a couple years ago and its much more user friendly. I love that it tells me what weights I did last week so I 1. don’t slack and pick the lighter weight 2. I can remember where I was last week because I never remember!

Bodyspace app is a lifesaver!

Bodyspace app is a lifesaver!


The cardio days are 40-45minutes right now and I have been doing the elliptical since I’m dealing with some Achilles Tendonitis that is much worse with running, so the low impact of the elliptical is way better. I have been bringing my iPad and reading Kelley Starret’s “Becoming A Supple Leopard” while on the elliptical, the book is all about improved mobility, stabilizing your spine and properly engaging and stabilizing your muscles when working out or lifting. It’s a total PT nerd book and I love it! I never understood how or why people read when they were working out but it really does make the time go by and I can zone out, similarly to how I zone out when running outside.

Cardio day! Ending cardio session in the steam room is my favorite!!!

Cardio day! Ending cardio session in the steam room is my favorite!!!

Saturday & Sundays for me are rest days, I took advantage of not having a programed workout on Saturday and hit up a yoga class for some active rest. I was a little disappointed at first because the yoga teacher I thought was teaching was out of town and it was in a “normal” temp room rather than a hot room but it was still a really good class and I am starting to feel more comfortable being told “now flow yourself” because before that would just make me mad. I am trying to make getting to at least 1 yoga class a week a priority because my muscles and joints really need that active recovery that you get during a yoga class. Plus I always feel like a happier person after I get done!

Yoga & some ankle mobilizations to put some deposits back into myself and get a little extra out of each day!

Yoga & some ankle mobilizations to put some deposits back into myself and get a little extra out of each day!

We are all up to speed so I guess its time to head to the gym and get my full body lift on. Tell me what workout program you’re doing right now!

Happy Lifting!


No Weigh October

Hey guys!

I hope the first 2 days of October have treated you well! It has been a crazy busy week, not really sure what has been different but it definitely seems like the week is flying by and each day has been crazy individually.

A few great updates for you all….

1. I am participating in No Weigh October, hosted by Katie @LiveHalfFull

Why stay off the scale for an entire month?
 -Because we are more than just a number on the scale
 -Because a number on a scale should not dictate how much you eat that day or what workout you do 
-Because your body knows what it wants to eat and if you honor those cravings you are honoring your body 
-Because there are so many more benefits to exercise than the calories you burn
 -Because in the end, it really is just a number!

Why stay off the scale for an entire month?

-Because we are more than just a number on the scale

-Because a number on a scale should not dictate how much you eat that day or what workout you do

-Because your body knows what it wants to eat and if you honor those cravings you are honoring your body

-Because there are so many more benefits to exercise than the calories you burn

-Because in the end, it really is just a number!

I love Katie’s blog, maybe because she is a Michigan girl transplanted in Illinois, but mostly because her posts are  always honest and full of information. She just went on a great vacation to Europe and recapped each day, it was wonderful to see places I have visited and hear about her experiences.

When I read her post on no weigh October I was HOOKED! I love this whole concept, not weighing yourself for 31 days, it is such a simple idea but really very empowering as well. The truth is I AM lean, I am strong and I am in shape, my cloths fit well and YES there are areas that need work but overall the SCALE doesn’t know the whole story so why do I let it determine my happiness?? I an excited for this challenge for myself and my confidence, I challenge you to try too!

2. Recent Workouts News….

I have been loving the FREEDOM this week in the gym. I am able to go and do what I want to do, and not feeling guilty for skipping a set/rep or entire exercise. I have been alternating cardio and lifting days & really loving it.

To get a longer workout and a TOTAL burn on my cardio days I combined a workout and a GPPfitness workout for a complete killer workout.

I have followed for the past 2 years or so and NEVER been able to complete one of the 12 minute workouts without giving up, so I am really happy to say I can now do one of these INTENSE workouts as an adjunct to my traditional workouts! workouts... typically between 12-16minutes in duration & challenge your endurance and strength in the best way possible! workouts… typically between 12-16minutes in duration & challenge your endurance and strength in the best way possible!

I was introduced to GPPfitness through following Meg’s blog & instantly decided I needed to try them out.. The workouts seem short but when you go hard they definitely do the job and leave you beat, JUST what I like best!

Two killer and different workouts!! It was SO nice to get back on an erg and do some rowing again!!!

Two killer and different workouts!! It was SO nice to get back on an erg and do some rowing again!!!

3. One Pot & Dinner for the WEEK!!!

I FINALLY reinvested $20 into a new crockpot!! I gave my old $20 crockpot away when I moved & have been stalling on buying a new one, I finally gave in and SPLURGED a whole $19.99 on this kitchen essential. My first crockpot meal – Quinoa Chili!!! YUM!!! I found the recipe HERE

…it was a great dinner that has been our dinner since Monday! SCORE for only cooking once this week!


I am off to TOLEDO on Friday for a weekend of college friends and homecoming & I cannot wait to see everyone! I have not been back to a homecoming since graduation and cannot wait to se everyone and relive some college days.

I also will be starting my 100×100 challenge this weekend && I must say I am quite nervous!!! 100 push ups a day for 100 days is a VERY daunting task but since starting my fitness journey mastering push ups has been on the TOP of my list. So what better way to perfect this whole body exercise than doing 100 EVERY day for 100 days!!

 I hope you have a HAPPY and healthy rest of your week!!


I’d Love To Know ~~ What new exercises have you tried lately?? Do you have a favorite fall crockpot meal?

10 New Workouts & October Goals!

Happy October Y’all!!

I think October is one of my favorite months of the year. The weather is typically beautiful and everyone is still high off summer time that the idea of winter coming hasn’t completely depressed us all. PLUS its PUMPKIN weather and leaves changing… ahhh I am honestly very excited for the leaves changing!

Ahhh the beautiful fall colors make the cold weather so worth it!!

Ahhh the beautiful fall colors make the cold weather so worth it!!

Yesterday I shared with you all about my progress through Jim Stoppani’s Six Week Shortcut to Shred. Like I said yesterday I am really excited to continue with the program workouts and tweaking my diet to work best for me.

I also am excited that the shred is over so I can try other workouts that I have been ITCHING to try recently!!


I also wanted to start setting some goals for myself to achieve this month or to strive for daily. I have never written down my goals but I always have scatterbrained thoughts about what I want to achieve so what better way to start the month than with a list of goals!!


Happy October! I Hope you all have a wonderful day!





I’d Love To Know ~~ What workouts are you itching to try? Do you make monthly goals?  

Motivation Monday/Week 6

My Motivation Monday for you is my 6 week shred recap and my thoughts on my progress…

I may not have achieved the 6-weeks later Allison I had in my head BUT I still achieved A LOT...

I may not have achieved the 6-weeks later Allison I had in my head BUT I still achieved A LOT…

Wow I can’t believe week 6 is over. If I am completely honest, which I try to always be with you all, I did not achieve the goals that I had set for myself in these 6 weeks. AND to be completely honest I know this is 100% MY FAULT. The challenge did not fail me; my adherence to the challenge is what limited my ability to meet my goals. However, no failure occurred!

My motivation MONDAY today is ME. I am proud of my progress even though it is not where I wanted to be I HAVE come a long way in these 6 weeks.

Weights – When I started the shred I was able to lift moderate weights, and in MOST every workout my starting weight now is almost my ending weight from the first weeks. It is really nice to see the weights stack on the bar and feel good about getting a weight I never thought I could get up UP!

Gym-Esteem – my confidence in the gym has definitely boosted!! I have used some equipment that I had never used before and now that my weights are higher I feel more like I belong there with the boys.

Spotting – Brent will tell you I am a horrible spotter. I get too nervous or distracted and really do suck at it. BUT I have improved in the past 6 weeks and am definitely getting better.

FORM – okay I am a STICKLER with form on my patients && want to have the best form I can when I workout. I have monkey arms which means when my form breaks down my elbows are almost ALWAYS the. Luckily with my increased strength I have been able to begin to overcome my monkey-arm issue.

Overall I really did enjoy the Shred. Like I said in last weeks recap the nutrition component for the last 3 weeks really had a negative effect on both of us. Week 6 we returned to the phase 1 food plan and I LOVED the way my body felt. I had increased energy for activities and NEVER felt hungry or deprived during the day. I also REALLY loved the incorporation of cardio with lifting. It was a really nice combination and a nice change of pace.


My progress was definitely NOT a straight line, but from day 1 to today there has definitely been a change…                                  The future never looked good! 

The challenge was ON POINT and I was seeing AMAZING results up to week 3, when the nutrition was stable and our focus was 100% on the challenge, then we let loose a little and started enjoying the weekends with our friends & family {{& I am GLAD we did}} which in combination with the nutrition change really caused me to rebound. ONCE I returned to the ORIGINAL nutrition plan and concentrated on the movements & my form, not just the repetitions/cardio I started to see increased gains and return of the shredded muscle mass I yearned for.

I cannot wait to start incorporating the lifting series that I have learned during this 6 weeks along with other exercises I have been ITCHING to get at! I hope you all have enjoyed my 6 week shred recaps. I wish I could show you some AMAZING transformation from week 1 to week 6 but my reality is I was already FIT and LEAN when I started the shred, my body responded GREAT when I stayed on point but 4 weeks of wavering diet and slacked exercises at times resulted in my results.

Weekly Progress... I am PROUD of my progress & progress is a HUGE part of the process...

Weekly Progress… I am PROUD of my progress & progress is a HUGE part of the process…

I AM PROUD of where I came, I can see the strength gains in the gym and I know that 6 weeks is just the BEGINNING of hypertrophy. Results don’t happen over night they happen over time & six weeks just isn’t enough time. I love looking at my progress pictures, even if I feel silly taking them, they really make me see my hard work and realize that my hours in the gym add up!

I hope my story helps to Motivate you on this Monday… Stay Positive & Stay Active!





I’d Love To Know ~~ What is your current gym accomplishment? Do you take progress pictures?